What is your choice when you look at each 24-hour day?


We each have 24 hours a day. Many times, not giving a thought to how we use these hours.

Who, What, When, Where, and How do we examine our time?

Ask yourself – Who do I want to have in my 24 hrs.?

What do I want to accomplish in my 24 hrs.?

When do I start each 24 hrs.?

Where do I want to be physically, mentally, and spiritually in my 24 hrs.?

How can I accomplish all that I think important for my 24 hrs.?

As you grow and learn throughout life these answers should have flexibility.

In the opening of one’s eyes each day, time becomes a precious gift of 24 hrs.

The need to re-examine the list of personal priorities of this commodity called time takes on more importance as one ages. Perhaps as the realization that the responsibility of choices sits within each of us, our own self time and care is realized.

In the pursuit of healing and health it would be better to start prioritizing our time earlier rather than later with regards to our lifestyle plan of action.